Providence Presbyterian Church

Mission & Outreach

Our Statement of Purpose

The Mission Team reaches out to individuals and groups in need. We minister with God’s help to those people in our own community and the world.

Goals Of The Mission Team

  • To educate the membership of Christ’s call to minister to and share generously with others in the world.
  • To develop and petition for the resources/ finances to fulfill Christ’s call.
  • Implement local mission outreach project activities, such as the local Food Bank
  • Lead the congregation by supporting the Presbyterian Church USA special offerings and programs.
    Provides financial support to designated agencies* and purposes* using funds from the 10% provided by Providence Church from its general fund receipts.
  • Sponsors a free family luncheon held monthly on the third Saturday.

Outreach Team

The mission of the Outreach Team is to develop relationships with our neighbors in our surrounding community. It is our prayer, that from these relationships our new friends will be encouraged, like us, to grow and learn more about Jesus and serve together in His name.

Soup on Saturday

Logo for our Soup on Saturday program

On the third Saturday of each month we offer a free luncheon to the entire community.  It runs from 11:30 – 1pm.  Meals include a variety of soups, sandwiches, drinks, and desserts.  Come for good food and fellowship.  We hope to see you there!

Collection for Family Services and the Altoona Food Bank

The Family Services Ministry at Providence Presbyterian Church is a new focus of the Mission & Outreach Team. We will be collecting donations of items needed by Family Services, Inc, 2002 Broad Ave, on the second Sunday of each month. Please check our website under “What’s Happening” to see a list of the items most needed for each month.

Altoona Food Bank Sign

The Food Bank Ministry at Providence Presbyterian Church is currently a focus of the Mission & Outreach Team.

The Team has asked the congregation to help with this ministry by making donations of canned goods and other non-perishable food stuffs. Also, monetary donations are being accepted. The Mission & Outreach Team will focus on the third Sunday of every month, however, they will accept donations anytime.

At this tough economical time we need to reach deeper to help our neighbors.

Community Garden

For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow,
so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations. – Isaiah 61:11 (NIV)

Providence Presbyterian Church, in partnership with the Huntingdon Presbytery and Home Depot, is proud to provide our neighborhood with a community garden.  Garden use is free, but you must register with the church office.   We also have a limited number of handicap accessible garden beds.

Find Our Community Garden on Facebook

garden beds at Providence Presbyterian Church
seating area at community garden

Outdoor Free Food Pantry

outdoor food pantry

Loving God, bless all who pass this box.
For those who leave something, may they know the blessing of giving to You. For those who take something, may they know the blessing of receiving from You. For all who come and for all who pass by, may they know the God of Love and Peace is with them.

Leave some for others in need.

If you see what you need, help yourself!

Providence Mission Committee has placed a Food Pantry along Broad Ave to help those in need in our Neighborhood.
Food Pantries are an easy way to help your neighbors right now.

Neighbors helping neighbors. Not only do Pantries support neighbors facing hunger insecurity, they enrich the community by empowering people to make an immediate difference. Anyone can take from the pantry, and anyone can donate to the pantry. This is neighbors helping neighbors. Give what you can. Take what you need.

The Pantry movement is a collective solution to immediate and local need. Whether a need for food or a need to give, Food Pantries help feed neighbors, and nourish neighborhoods. 

Jessica McClard launched the Pantry movement in May 2016 in Fayetteville, AR, when she planted the Pantry Pilot, a wooden box on a post containing food, personal care, and paper items accessible to everyone all the time, no questions asked. She hoped her spin on the Free Library would pique local awareness of food insecurity while creating a space for neighbors to help meet neighborhood food needs.

A little over a month later, CrystalRock Cathedral Women’s Ministries planted Blessing Box in Ardmore, OK. By August 2016, the movement was global. Throughout the US and internationally, the pantry movement continues growing and moving. 

The Pantry is for those who want and/or need to give. The Pantry is for those not easily able to meet everyday food and personal needs. The Pantry is for a hungry kid after school or a home cook who forgot to buy something. The Pantry is for everyone.

The Pantry is a reminder of our neighbors’ need that creates neighborhood space for exercising compassion, trust, and mutual aid. Community members are encouraged to keep the pantries stocked by leaving canned or dry foods and other supplies for others to take when needed.

One of the advantages of contributing to a neighborhood Pantry is that, unlike food banks and larger pantries, the donations in the boxes are always available. If someone is in a bind and they need something, and a food pantry is closed, this can fill in the gaps of when they’re not able to make it to one of the bigger food pantries. In addition to being open 24/7, there are also no limits or restrictions on how much people can take if they need extra food. And it’s an anonymous access point, so anyone can come and get food.

Food Pantries are a place people can go when they can’t go somewhere else.

Peanut Butter
Cans – fruit/veggies/protein/soup
Can meat – tuna/chicken/ham/etc
Dried fruit
Add water mixes – muffins/biscuits/pancakes/corn bread
Beans – pinto/black/cannellini
Boxed entrees – Mac & cheese/chili/stew/add water meals
Instant sides – rice/pasta/potatoes
Granola bars
Dry pasta
Coffee/tea/bottled water

Personal Needs
Feminine hygiene products
Toilet paper
Bards of Soap

Please Do NOT Leave the following items:
Used or opened goods
Rusty canned food
Expired food
Food prepared at home
Sharps (razors/knives)
Harsh chemicals (bleach, household cleaning supplies)

Little Free Library

Our Little Free Library is a free book-sharing box where anyone may take a book or share a book. It functions on the honor system. You do not need to share a book in order to take one, but feel free to bring some to share with others when you can. It is available 24/7 during Spring, Summer, and Fall; and it is located beside our community garden.

A photo of our Little Free Library in the Community Garden

For more activities please visit the What’s Happening page.