Sunday School and Bible Studies

Sunday School Classes and Teachers

(no Sunday School during the summer)

  • Nursery/Pre-school Class (age 2 – K)           –         Heather Wisor, Ellie Herbster, and Kim Veronesi
  • Multi-Age Elementary (Grades 1st – 5th)    –        Jeanie Mollica and Angie Treese
  • Jr. /Sr. High (Grades 6th – 12th)                   –         Megan Burchfield and Jon and Janelle Yerty
  • Adult Class                                                      –         Rick Herbster


Adult Class – Current Study

Image of Moses Study

image of a BibleMOSES: In the Footsteps of the Reluctant Prophet

Adam Hamilton will lead this DVD series which explores the sites of Moses’ life from the Nile River to the Red Sea, from Mt. Sinai to the desert wilderness.
Using historical information, archaeological data, and biblical text, Hamilton guides us in the the footsteps of this reluctant prophet who blazed a trail of faith.

Bible Studies

Cover of "Cloud of Witnesses" Bible StudyThursday

This Bible study meets every Thursday at the church at 11:30 AM.  We welcome anyone who is eager to grow in their faith.  We begin with prayer, then we read, and then question, discuss, and share our thoughts.  We are brothers and sisters in faith, seeking understanding and you are welcome to join us.

Our current Bible Study is Cloud of Witnesses: The Community of Christ in Hebrews by Melissa Bane Sevier.



Please check the What’s Happening page for information on any current Sunday Bible Studies.